Convert identity barriers into opportunities with SecurePaws' renowned trust solution, meticulously tailored to your unique needs.

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Solution to the Problem

SecurePaws offers a comprehensive E-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) solution, empowering businesses to swiftly and securely verify their customers' identities through digital channels. 


An ID document in KYC is a government-issued proof of identity, like a passport or driver's license. It's used to verify individuals in transactions, helping businesses comply with regulations, prevent fraud, and ensure security. Try now  

Face & ID Comparison 

Facial recognition compares a person's face to the photo on their ID, adding an extra layer of security to verify identity in various contexts like online transactions and access control. Try now 

Live Detection 

Live detection in facial recognition ensures that the face being scanned is live and not a static image. This feature helps prevent spoofing attempts, enhancing the security of authentication processes in various applications, including KYC, access control, and mobile banking. Try now 


ID OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that extracts text data from images of ID documents, such as passports or driver's licenses. It automatically reads and digitizes information like names, dates of birth, and ID numbers, streamlining processes like KYC verification and data entry. Try now 

SMS Verification 

SMS verification utilizes text messages to send unique codes to users' phone numbers, which they input to authenticate their identity, bolstering security in processes like account creation and transaction verification. Try now 

Email Verification 

Email verification involves sending a unique link or code to a user's email address, which they must click or enter to confirm their identity. It's commonly used in account registration processes and helps enhance security by ensuring that the user has access to the provided email address. Try now 


This is the flow chart of SecurePaws.

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Verification Tools

 Face & ID Comparison

Verifies identity by matching a person's face to their official ID photo using facial recognition technology.

 Live Face Detection

Tracks human faces in real-time video streams using algorithms, enabling various applications.

  ID Document

An ID document verifies identities by providing essential personal information, such as name and photo, used in processes like KYC and access control to ensure compliance with regulations.


ID OCR digitizes information from ID documents, simplifying tasks like KYC verification by automatically extracting text data such as names and ID numbers. 

  SMS Verification

Mass-sending a single message to many people via text or messaging apps, typically for marketing or notifications.

  Email Verification

Mass-sending a single message to many people via text or messaging apps, typically for marketing or notifications.

We prioritize your safety

Prioritizing safety is essential in all aspects of life to ensure the well-being and protection of individuals.

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Cost Options Suitable for Companies of Any Size

ID Document

15 .75

/ per API call
  • Unlock efficiency at a fraction of the cost with ID OCR: Your affordable solution for streamlined KYC verification.

 Face & ID Comparison 

15 .75

/ per API call
  • Face and ID comparison verifies identity by matching a person’s face tp their official ID photo using facial recognition technology.

Live Detection

15 .75

/ per API call
  • Live face detection tracks human faces in real-time video streams using algorithms, enabling various application.


10 .80

/ per API call
  • Empower Your Business with Affordable ID OCR Solutions: Streamlined Verification, Competitive Pricing.

SMS Verification

0 .50

/ per API call
  • SMS Verification: Secure Transactions, Affordable Solutions for Seamless Authentication 

Email Verification

0 .05

/ per API call
  •   Email Verification: Reliable, Budget-friendly Solutions for Seamless Authentication 

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